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VF Value Element in an List/Array


If I have multiple input fields on my page, can I assign their value to elements in a list/array?? Is this even possible and I don't understand the syntax?



<apex:page controller="pageController">
  <apex:selectList value="{!array[0]}">
    <apex:selectOptions value="{!optionsList}" />
  <apex:selectList value="{!array[1]}">
        <apex:selectOptions value="{!optionsList}" />
  <apex:selectList value="{!array[2]}">
        <apex:selectOptions value="{!optionsList}" />


public class pageController {
   public List<String> array {get; set;} // array of input values on page submit
   public List<SelectOption> optionsList {get; set;} // assigned in controller

Attribution to: jordan.baucke

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Yes that does seem possible. Except that the array needs to be initialized with some values in it. (And array is a reserved word).

With a few tweaks, what you've pasted above worked. When I clicked the commandButton, it correctly bound the selected values in each list to the elements in the list and displayed this on the vf page. Very handy I think !

<apex:page controller="pageController">
<apex:commandButton value="Test" action="{!test}" rerender="out" status="status"/>
  <apex:selectList value="{!arrayValue[0]}" size="1">
    <apex:selectOptions value="{!optionsList}" />
  <apex:selectList value="{!arrayValue[1]}" size="1">
        <apex:selectOptions value="{!optionsList}" />
  <apex:selectList value="{!arrayValue[2]}" size="1">
        <apex:selectOptions value="{!optionsList}" />

      <apex:outputPanel id="out">
        <apex:actionstatus id="status" startText="testing...">
            <apex:facet name="stop">
                    <p>You have selected:</p>
                    <apex:dataList value="{!arrayValue}" var="c">{!c}</apex:dataList>


Apex Class (Controller):

public class pageController {
   public List<String> arrayValue {get; set;} // array of input values on page submit
   public List<SelectOption> optionsList {get; set;} // assigned in controller

   public pageController(){
       optionsList = new List<SelectOption>{};
       arrayValue = new List<String>{'','',''}; //INITIALISE LIST
       optionsList.add(new SelectOption('Hello', 'Hello'));
       optionsList.add(new SelectOption('World', 'World'));
       optionsList.add(new SelectOption('Java', 'Java'));

   public PageReference test(){
       return null;


Attribution to: techtrekker
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