I'm using this soql query in my webservice to query for records created within specific dates and using this as an if condition of the dates are the same
if(fromDate == toDate){
orderList = [SELECT Id,Name,Account__r.Kennitala__c ,Account__r.Name,Contact__r.Name,phPhoneNumberUsedForService__c,createdDate, RecordType.Name,txServiceOwnerName__c,pl_Status__c,txlOrderInfoFromWeb__c,CreatedBy.Name
from Orders__c where Account__r.ktId__c =:request.str_ktId AND CreatedDate =: fromDate];
fromDate & toDate are values of type Date ands are retrieved from the request (This is a SOAP service). What I'm seeing is that if I have the dates identical, f/x 2014-01-16, then I get nothing returned. But if toDate is set to the date after, like 2014-01-17, then the query returns the records created on 2014-01-16 . I tried doing this in my query tool using instances of DateTime and got the same result.
I'm just wondering, is this expected and do I have to account for this in queries when the from dates and to dates are the same since CreatedDate is DateTime and I'm passing in a Date in the request?
Attribution to: akarnid
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
A likely cause of this is implicit conversion of CreatedDate to a Date producing an unexpected result because of the timezone set for your user. According to this Gotcha: convertTimezone() must be used in SOQL Date functions dealing with Datetime blog post by my colleague, the right expression to use for the date part of the "where" is:
DAY_ONLY(convertTimezone(CreatedDate)) = :fromDate
Attribution to: Keith C
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