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User session lifetime tracking?


We are building a multiplatform architecture application in which we have an authentication consideration we're not finding a solution to.

We have a front end platform which has SSO with and interacts with our salesforce organisation where business processes are touched. The front end also does client side webservice calls to a big data database for searches on our catalogue (the database has some key features which salesforce can not compete with).

Now, the issue is that we want an airtight authentication and authorization in the application layer on top of the big data database. We'd like to keep a synchronized state of active user sessions between salesforce and a copy in the bd database. Is it possible to hook in (trigger of some sorts) to the salesforce user session lifecycle events, and say know when a user session start and ends so we could send an synchronizing update ?

Attribution to: Samuel De Rycke

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

You cannot "hook in a trigger" to the Salesforce user session lifecycle events because you don't have access to them directly.

You probably don't need to, and correct me if I am wrong here, but aren't you allowing the user to be authenticated by the front end platform to the bd database(via webservice) and to salesforce(via SSO). You can use this authentication token returned by Salesforce to synchronize the active users sessions between salesforce and the database.


Attribution to: Anup
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