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Use Salesforce to store product Documentation?


I have been asked if we can store our documentation as knowledge base articles. This sounds doable if you think of every document page as an individual article.

The problem I see is that, if the documentation needs to have an index and every article(page) needs to be related to another or have previous or next links. I don't see how can you keep that relation after importing the documents as articles.

Our documentation currently looks pretty much like this. (index, table of contents, relative links to other pages).

Has anyone worked on something like this or think this can be done using the KB platform?.


Attribution to: PepeFloyd

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

You can't accomplish this using KB Platform only.To structure your documentation like SFDC API doc and have it be served from your Salesforce org will take quite a lot of custom code and even then I am not sure if you can have it the way you want it.

Attribution to: Rahul

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

I think we can achieve this with some Vf and Knowledge article from my experience on working on Knowledge .Its basically you will need to arrange in a template and handle through links through href tag.

Attribution to: Mohith Shrivastava
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