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URL rewriting for static resources


I know you can serve static HTML by uploading it as a static resource, but is it possible to create a URL rewrite rule for a static resource?

Something like this

if (url.startsWith('/coach')){    
    return new PageReference('/resources/coach/index.html');

Navigating directly to /resources/coach/index.html works, but the rewrite rule doesn't?

Ideally I'd love to do something even more advanced like this, to be able to access any file in a zip'd static resource.

List<String> segments = url.split('/');

if (url.startsWith('/coach')){    
    return new PageReference('/resources/coach/'+ segments[1]);

Any ideas?

Attribution to: Keith Mancuso

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Disclaimer: a 'tricky' attack surface indicates this may not be the best kind of problem to solve with Salesforce ;) so double check your real business requirements and push back on those if necessary!

First idea:

You might use the Site.UrlRewriter interface to do this on a Site, for eg:

public class UrlRewriter implements Site.UrlRewriter {

    public PageReference mapRequestUrl(PageReference incoming) {
        return new PageReference('/resource/1394899484000/SiteSamples/SiteStyles.css');

    public PageReference[] generateUrlFor(PageReference[] yourSalesforceUrls) {
        return null;

However the return signature of the implementor must be a PageReference resolving to a real page! I tried this for real and Salesforce serves a 404, not the file inside a zipped static resource!

Second idea:

You could create a real Visualforce Page as a kind of proxy that serves up the contents of the zip file using Apex, and point your URL Rewriter at that page:



public class UrlRewriter implements Site.UrlRewriter {

    public PageReference mapRequestUrl(PageReference incoming) {
        return new PageReference('/apex/ResourceReader');

    public PageReference[] generateUrlFor(PageReference[] yourSalesforceUrls) {
        return null;

<apex:page controller="ResourceReaderController" contentType="text/plain">
    <apex:outputText value="{!Content}" escape="false" />


public class ResourceReaderController {

    public String getContent() {
        return new PageReference('/resource/1394899484000/SiteSamples/SiteStyles.css').getContent().toString();


Third idea:

Maybe try using Site URL Redirects which can do a 301 or 302 redirect you. It won't be transparent to the visitors, but you can see an example of that here:


However these guys exist as 0H0 prefix objects and must be administered through the user interface. I'm not sure you will ever be able to upload a zip file and automatically drill into it.


Attribution to: bigassforce
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