I would like to know is it possible to send out a notification whenever a record is edited.
I want the trigger to fire on any field change - I have about 10-15 field so I prefer not to create multiple workflow rules and different emails.
I want one email that indicates the updated field, the new value and the editor (last modified by)
Attribution to: Itay B
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
trigger CaseOnParticularFieldUpdate on Case (after update) {
for (Case c: Trigger.new) {
Case oldCase = Trigger.oldMap.get(c.ID);
if (c.Field != oldCase.Field) {
// field was updated, do some magic here
Here is the sample how you will detect field value has changed .
Now on detect of field change you have to write an outbound email service .
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage mail = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
// email address of the salesforce email service
String[] toAddresses = new String[] {'sfa_emailservicehandler@25e8oml5i5zvz5qahgfim4c52w4q9pnwnsb2ufic9cbjerogdg.w-4syhmaq.w.apex.sandbox.salesforce.com'};
mail.setSubject('Test Batch' );
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage[] { mail });
Here is a simple example how to write in apex to send email.
You may need to combine both of the snippet and tweak a bit to have a working code .
Also i guess you will have to inspect each of the fields to find out what has changed and put that in a variable of array.
Also remember to comment out the code if huge data load is done .Since it may cross the no of email allowed per day
Attribution to: Mohith Shrivastava
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