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Unable to refresh src from server using IDE


I was trying to connect to my dev org using my IDE and i got an exception

"com.salesforce.ide.api.metadata.types.Metadata$JaxbAccessorF_fullName cannot be cast to com.sun.xml.internal.bind.v2.runtime.reflect.Accessor"

Any idea on what could be the reason for this?

Attribution to: Prady

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

I found a workaround

Switching the workspace back to the same workspace you had problem with solved it.

File -> Switch workspace -> [Select the same workspace you had problem with]

Not sure why it worked.. But it WORKED :)

Attribution to: Prady

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

Java errors like this one seem to be fixed by compacting the Workspace, which will happen with File/Restart or File/Switch Workspace, either one. This is my default way to fix Eclipse when it starts acting weird.

Maybe it's just me, but I've been having to do this a lot more since upgrading to Spring 12; like 2 or 3 times a week. Maybe we'll gain some stability with the next one.

Attribution to: Jeremy Nottingham

Possible Suggestion/Solution #3

Not that you'd necessarily be able to do anything about it, but have you tried to run the IDE in debug mode? There's more on it in the Eclipse help section: IDE Library > Using the IDE > Reference

Running the IDE in Debug Mode

If you experience errors in the IDE, it can be useful to run Eclipse in Debug Mode. This will cause the IDE to write additional information to its system log.

To run the IDE in Debug Mode, add the following parameter to Eclipse's startup command line or in eclipse.ini:

  • -Dforce-ide-debug=true

For more information on the IDE system log, see Log Viewer.

You can also write the zip file to disk for each save, refresh, synchronize, or deploy action, which can be helpful in diagnosing errors. Add the following parameter to Eclipse's startup command line or in eclipse.ini

  • -Dforce-ide-temp=<full-path-to-directory> Log Viewer

As the IDE runs, it writes certain events to a system log file stored in your Eclipse workspace. If you encounter exception messages or other problems while using the IDE, the information in this log file may help you diagnose and resolve the issue. The Log Viewer provides an easy way to see the contents of the IDE system log or to locate the file so you can provide it to Salesforce customer support.

To show the Log Viewer:

  • In the main menu bar, click Help | Show IDE Log

You can make the IDE write more detail to its system log by running the IDE in debug mode. For information, see Running the IDE In Debug Mode.

Note: In order to show you new events as they occur, the Log Viewer frequently refreshes itself from the log file on disk. This activity may slow your system, so it is recommended that you keep the Log Viewer closed during normal use of the IDE.

Attribution to: Peter Knolle

Possible Suggestion/Solution #4

I know this is old, but I just hit this error in a customer's environment and found a different cause/solution. Using Eclipse 3.6 on a machine where the only VM was a Java 1.7 JDK caused this error. The fix was to install a Java 1.6 JDK, and use the "-vm" setting in Eclipse.ini to point to the 1.6 JRE.

Attribution to: jkraybill
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