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Two different page layout on a single object


I have two objects whose parent is another object. I want to set two different page layout on the parent just by differentiating the record type. How do i do it?

Attribution to: Satish Nair

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

If you are looking to specify the page layout of an object based on the RecordType of that object per profile - this is done in the org setup.

Assigning Record Types and Page Layouts in the Enhanced Profile User Interface

To specify record types and page layout assignments:

  1. From Setup, click Manage Users | Profiles.
  2. Select a profile.
  3. In the Find Settings... box, enter the name of the object you want and select it from the list.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. In the Record Types and Page Layout Assignments section, make changes to the settings as needed.

Attribution to: Mark Pond
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