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Triggered Send API not sending emails


I am trying to send an email via Triggered Send Object SOAP API. The API returns a success message "Created TriggeredSend" and everything appears to be OK as displayed in the reports (emails sent) but so far I haven't actually received any email. I tried different email addresses as receipients however none of the emails have been received (I checked the spam folders too). Can anyone tell what could be wrong? I am trying out the samples from the starter kit PHP APIstarterKit-V1.

Thanks in advance

Attribution to: Penuel

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Getting the code right is only half the battle. My problem was I did not set up the UI correctly. You also need to create a TriggeredSendDefinition in the UI, link a subscriber list to it, link your email template to it (unless you are providing the content) and optionally a DataExtension too (if you are substituting values into a template). Key pieces of the API call are the CustomerKey in the TSD in the API call needs to match the ExternalKey of the TSD definition in the UI, and you need to provide a SubscriberKey (usually email address but not necessarily) in the Subscriber as that is the key used to insert/update your subscriber (in the API call) into the subscriber list linked to the TSD in the UI. Hope this helps! - gr

Attribution to: user25737

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

Hey a shot in the dark here. If you are doing this in your sandbox, your org's Email Deliverability may be set to a restrictive setting: No access, or System email only.

To check this go to Setup | Email Administration | Deliverability and check the Access level drop-down-menu.

I have run into problems when testing code involving Apex's send email capability. Unfortunately I am unsure how ExactTarget integrates with these settings.

[See the docs on Configuring Deliverability Settings for more details]

Attribution to: piratematt
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