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Track the reading of emails in a case - notification/escalation


We would like to track the time it takes for an agent to open an email reply to a case. If an email is unopened for a length of time we need to send out a notification or escalate the case to a manager.

Please reply with any coding or configuration that will help in this regard.

Any help is much appreciated.

Attribution to: Rakesh Surander

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Apex solution is to have an email service which monitors inbound email and creates a task assigned to the case owner with a due date and time as desired.

Attribution to: techtrekker

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

I think that what you refer to is Escalation rules

Creating Escalation Rules

Once configured correctly, you can have detailed reports as well times, and processes on cases.

Attribution to: Saariko
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