I'm getting an error message when I try to save records. The error message is:
URL No Longer Exists
You have attempted to reach a URL that no longer exists on salesforce.com.
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If you reached this page through a bookmark, you are probably trying to access something that has moved. Please update your bookmark.
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The Visualforce page:
<apex:page controller="sampleitem">
<apex:form >
<apex:pageblock >
<apex:pageblocksection >
<apex:pageblocktable value="{!lstWS}" var="S">
<apex:column headerValue="Select">
<apex:inputcheckbox value="{!S.ischecked}"/>
<apex:column headerValue="Name">
<apex:outputtext value="{!S.swi.Name}"></apex:outputtext>
<apex:column headerValue="Stage">
<apex:outputtext value="{!S.swi.Stage__r.Name}"></apex:outputtext>
<apex:column headerValue="Item Name">
<apex:outputtext value="{!S.swi.Item__r.name}"></apex:outputtext>
<apex:commandButton value="Select" Action="{!doSave}"/>
The class:
public with sharing class sampleitem {
public PageReference doSave() {
List<sample_Item__c> lstswi = new List<sample_Item__c>();
List<Project_Task__c> lstpwi = new List<Project_Task__c>();
for(wrapperSample objws : lstWS){
if(objws.ischecked == true){
Project_Task__c objP = new Project_Task__c();
if(pid != null)
objP.project__c = pid;
objP.End_Date__c = system.today();
objP.Start_Date__c = system.today();
//objp.Predecessor_Task__c = objws.swi.Predecessor_Task__r.Id;
if(objws.swi.predecessor_Task__r.Name != null)
objP.Name = objws.swi.predecessor_Task__r.Name;
objP.Owner__c = Userinfo.getUserId();
if(objws.swi.project_stage__r.id != null)
objP.Project_Stage__c = objws.swi.Project_Stage__r.id;
if(objws.swi.Type__c != null)
objP.Type__c = objws.swi.Type__c;
objP.Task_Status__c = 'In Progress';
insert lstpwi;
return (new pagereference('/'+pid).setredirect(true));
public String pId = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('pid');
public String wtId = apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get('wid');
public List<sample_Item__c> lstSWI{get;set;}
public wrapperSample objWS{get;set;}
public List<wrapperSample> lstWS{get;set;}
public sampleitem(){
lstSWI = new List<sample_Item__c>();
lstSWI = new List<sample_Item__c>();
lstSWI = [select id,name,Stage__r.Name,Item__r.name from sample_Item__c where Template__c =: wtId];
lstWS = new List<wrapperSample>();
for(sample_Item__c objSWI : lstSWI){
objWS = new wrapperSample();
objWS.swi = objSWI;
Attribution to: rakesh
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
It sounds like you're trying to save a record with an empty required field. Double-check which fields are required for the object and verify they are populated.
Based on your comments below, your URL is Sampleitems?+pId=a0FW00000009RqX&WId=a0DW0000000I1bzMAC
. Note that you have an extra plus sign (+) between the question mark and the paramenter pId.
Attribution to: Mike Chale
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
I see that you've checked
if(pid != null)
objP.project__c = pid;
This would potentially mean that if pid is null, objp.project__c has a null value.
This would cause an error when the records are inserted at
insert lstpwi;
You probably want to assign a default value to cater for cases where pid comes out to be null. Are you passing a ?pid=value in the URL so that it is available as a query parameter to set on Project ?
Attribution to: techtrekker
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