I Need your guidance in sending MMS through exactTarget mobile connect.I studied various documentation in exactTarget but there is no clear steps for implementing MMS.I came across Media share template but i dont find any such templates in my ET mobile Connect account.It will be very helpful if some one guides me in this.
Attribution to: Manoj Chandran
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Manoj, See the Message Contact Send API with the optional Content URL.
here's an example API call:
POST https://www.exacttargetapis.com/sms/v1/messageContact/MzA6Nzg6MA/send?access_token=...
Content-Type: application/json
"mobileNumbers": [
"Subscribe": false,
"Resubscribe": false,
"Override": true,
"messageText": "Welcome to Code@",
"ContentURL" : "http://image.exct.net/lib/fe6d15707662057c7411/m/1/dj_CC_AUS.jpg"
I would suggest looking at the getting started guide to setup your MMS message and message ID:
David Galante
MobileConnect Product Manager
Attribution to: David Galante
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