Using the exacttarget API, how can one retrieve the subscribers for a group?
There is a 'Subscribers' attribute on the 'Group' object, however when I include 'Subscribers' in the retrieve request I get an undefined attribute error.
Here is most of it ... in Ruby
props = {
:object => 'Group',
:props => [ "ID", "Name", "CreatedDate", "Subscriber"]
filter = {
:filterType => 'Simple',
:filter => ['Name','equals', "Not Healy Crowd" ]
lists =
resp = filtered_query(props, filter)
puts resp.inspect
resp.results.each do |result|
#puts result.inspect
puts "#{result.iD },#{}, #{result.createdDate} "
Attribution to: bhattamer
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
To answer my question ...
Exact target treats groups like lists. Therefore I used the solution provided in this example ...
.. and replaced the value for the "ListID" property with the selected group id.
Attribution to: bhattamer
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