In rest if I, for a standard user, use
"/services/data/v28.0/sobjects/User/"User ID"/Password"
to check whether logged in user password is expired or not (testing in REST explorer Workbench).
When I give 18 digits ID in user id I get an error -Error code- INSUFFICIENT ACCESS MESSAGE- you do not have permission to view the record.
However If I use 15 digits ID I do not get any error, - isExpired=true"
Is someone else also experiencing this weird behavior ?
Attribution to: Sara
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
This is filed as a known bug:
When a user who doesn't have the "Manage Users" permission issues an HTTP request getting current password expiration of his own using REST API Password resource, the request fails with INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS if 18 char id is specified to the URL, while it works with 15 char id.
login to workbench as a user who doesn't have the "manage users" perm, like a Standard User Profile user.
execute the following URI through REST explorer, and you will get the INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS error.
/services/data/v29.0/sobjects/User/<18 char id of the user>/password
Workaround Specify 15 char ID to the REST API URI
Attribution to: Sara
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