My VF page has 10 sections.Section-10 has 1 button(name-Attachment) and 2 sub sections. On button click a new VF page opens, where I have option to attach files. Once file is attached, user is navigated back to parent page. In section-10, sub section-2, I have a section to show all attachments. I have 2 different controllers and 2 pages for the parent and Attachment page(on click of attachment button).
My Requirement-I want to refresh subsection-2 of section 10(not the whole page), when attachment is done.
Attribution to: J_B
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Are you using the reRender attribute ?
I'm imagining its probably :
<apex:pageBlockSection id = "section10">
<apex:outputPanel id ="section10A">
..... attachment logic
//have something here which invokes a rerender of the section10B
<apex:commandButton value="Attach" action="{!attach} reRender="section10B" />
<apex:commandButton value="Attach" onclick"attachAndRefresh()" />
<apex:actionFunction name="attachAndRefresh" reRender="section10B" />
<apex:outputPanel id ="section10B">
..... Display Attachments
Here's the reference
Attribution to: techtrekker
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