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Push Upgrade throws error 'No Access Exception'


I am trying to push out an upgrade to one VF page (just including a forgotten JS library)

Most of the orgs that have the version of the App I'm trying to patch don't have any issues, but 2 / 50 or so throw the following exception:

You do not have sufficient privileges to access the controller: ..Controller of the page I updated...

I didn't change anything in the controller, but did add the JS library to the VF page.

Is this an administrator configuration issue I'm running into?

Attribution to: jordan.baucke

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

According to Push Upgrade of VF Page to PE Orgs fail with "You do not have sufficient privileges to access the controller: ControllerName" this issue is now fixed (assuming W-1238842 is the same known issue).

Attribution to: Daniel Ballinger
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