Consider this scenario:
Customer goes to my site. Ex:
Customer logs in to authenticated site with custom URL.
Customer closes window/tab, goes anywhere else. Customer comes back to the public URL.
Here's the them, the site appears like they aren't logged in. If they do try to log in, they will get a visualforce error page because they're already logged in.
Ideal scenario...public page recognizes they're still the same user and shows them logged in.
Decent hack...we catch the "already logged in" error and do a redirect to the secure site without telling the user. OR, kill the previous session and start a new long as the user isn't impacted.
How can I make the site do one of these "smarter" behaviors?
Attribution to: Shane McLaughlin
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
The final answer on this was to migrate to customer communities. This keeps everything on the same custom domain, including https, so there's never a login button shown for people with a session.
The original challenge was more of a feature limitation of custom domains on authenticated sites.
Attribution to: Shane McLaughlin
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
Registering a Site domain and Maintaining a Session For all those people who want to register and free site and maintain a session for users, I request you to first create a fresh account even if you have one and follow the following steps.
WORDS OF WISDOM Instead of finding out why the problem is occurring in your existing portal and debugging it, create a new one and copy all your objects through workbench(If you don't know how to do this, share your email id and I will send you a ppt defining this step by step process), copy and paste visualforce pages and apex classes to your new account.
STEPS 1. Customer Portal -> Settings -> Activate the portal, Enable Self Registration, Set Default New User License as Customer Portal Manager Standard, Set Default User Role as User and Default New User Profile as Customer Portal Manager Standard.
Create an Account and copy its Account ID
Manage Users->Roles->Company size based sample-> Set up Roles->Either Add Role or Assign to existing role the above account created.
Develop->Sites->Search availability and register a domain
Edit the Site Details by providing name and other details. To start with keep the homepage as SiteLogin, Change Password as ChangePassword page and Profile Page as MyProfilePage.
Activate the Site
Click on Site Name and go to Login Settings->Edit->Select the customer portal so created
Now the site is activated and login is enabled
Go to SiteRegisterController page->Edit -> Replace the default PORTAL_ACCOUNT_ID with the above copied Account ID
Go to MyProfileController->Edit->Comment the if condition which throws exception in case of Guest User.
Go to SiteLoginController , change the return value of the login method with ‘return Page.MyProfilePage;’
Go to Develop ->Sites->Click on Site URL
If all the steps are done correctly, the Site will show hyperlinks for NewUser, ForgotPassword and Login on the Header as well as on the Output Panel.
Click on New User, enter the details and on clicking submit you will be redirected to the Login page. Enter your username and password registered. If all the above steps are done correctly, you will be directed to the MyProfilePage which will show you the logged in user credentials alongwith change password button and a logout button.
Copy paste the same URL on another browser or private browsing or incognito window and you will see the message of authentication required.
If you click on Logout, you will be redirected to the login page again.
Attribution to: Meha Nelson
Possible Suggestion/Solution #3
You could just not display the log in form if the user is already logged in, but instead displays a link to whatever the action of logging in takes them to or do whatever it is you want to for the logged in user when they visit the main page.
So, on the VF page that displays the have something like:
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest')}">
Not logged in. Code for log in form goes here.
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{! NOT(ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest'))}">
Logged in. Code for link to post log in landing page or something else.
If you'd rather have them redirected immediately upon accessing the public page while logged in you could use an apex:page action on the public page. Something like the following:
<apex:page controller="MyMainPageController" action="{!redirectIfLoggedIn}">
Then in the MyMainPageController, something like:
public PageReference redirectIfLoggedIn() {
if (UserInfo.getUserType() != 'Guest') {
PageReference loggedInPage = getLoggedInPageSomehow();
return loggedInPage;
// Guest user so just display as usual.
return null;
Attribution to: Peter Knolle
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