When invoking the Tooling API, is there a way to pass the Session Id using just URL parameters?
I've seen a couple of Salesforce APIs that work when the Session Id is contained in a URL parameter:
This works with the Identity URL:
GET https://na1.salesforce.com/id/[org_id]/[user_id]?oauth_token=[session_id]
This works with Frontdoor.jsp for logging into Salesforce:
GET https://na1.salesforce.com/secur/frontdoor.jsp?sid=[session_id]
Now I'm looking at the Tooling API which contains several GET-accessible operations, including Execute Anonymous (I appreciate the risk of this) and wondering if there is a way to do:
GET https://na1.salesforce.com/services/data/v28.0/tooling/executeAnonymous/?...
There are some docs on using the access token that seem to indicate the Identity URL might be a special case where that was permitted, else it must go in an header (for REST) or body (for SOAP).
Any ideas that don't use headers? RFC 3986 https://username:password@
was a non starter ;-)
Attribution to: bigassforce
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
No, While using rest api it is mandatory to pass the session id / token in headers as passing it in query string will be very high security risk.
Attribution to: AtulRajguru9
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