Can I pass a second method into the rendered attribute of the following apex element?
<apex:outputText rendered="{!(firstMethod == true)}">
<img class="refresh_btn" src="{!URLFOR($Resource.Images, 'images/icon_refresh.png')}" alt=""/>
Would this work?
<apex:outputText rendered="{!(firstMethod == true)} && {!(secondMethod == true)}">
<img class="refresh_btn" src="{!URLFOR($Resource.Images, 'images/icon_refresh.png')}" alt=""/>
So both firstMethod and secondMethod must return true for the element to render.
Attribution to: Daft
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Yes, you can do that, but like this:
rendered="{!firstMethod == true && secondMethod == true}"
Alternative use AND
rendered="{!AND(firstMethod, secondMethod)}"
Attribution to: Sergej Utko
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
Yes you can, although your syntax is a little off. The following should work:
<apex:outputText rendered="{!(firstMethod == true) && (secondMethod == true)}">
Which you should be able to reduce to:
<apex:outputText rendered="{!firstMethod && secondMethod}">
Attribution to: Alex Tennant
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