Hope this scenario will be very interesting for everyone!! I have a scenario where the user needs to download the word document by clicking a link on page.
This word document is dynamically generated from visualforce by fetching values from the record.
Everything works fine. But the problem is when I try to open the downloaded document in MsWord (2007 or 2010), It opens in web layout by default. But I need to open the document in print layout / print view.
I searched and found that the below code snippet works well for all kinds of technology like php, python, etc..
// Code snippet
<!--[if gte mso 9]>
<w:view w:val="print" />
<w:zoom w:percent="100" />
But it didnt work with visualforce. I placed this code snippet inside the tag and right below the tag as per Office XML reference. But I didnt get a positive result.
Is there anyway to achieve this in visualforce??
Attribution to: Logeswaran Udayakumar
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Please Refer The following. You Need to add HTMl attributes
Attribution to: M.sf
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
If you want to download page as word file use
contenttype = application/msword#FileName.doc
in visualforce page tag
and see this Answer to generate downloadable page.
Attribution to: Axaykumar Varu
Possible Suggestion/Solution #3
The snippet you've got is correct, but as you say it won't save in a Visualforce page.
Instead you can great a read only property in your vf controller like so:
public String getWordPrintViewXML()
// doesn't need to be on multiple lines, it's just for readability
return '<!--[if gte mso 9]>' +
'<xml>' +
'<w:WordDocument>' +
'<w:View>Print</w:View>' +
'<w:Zoom>100</w:Zoom>' +
'<w:DoNotOptimizeForBrowser/>' +
'</w:WordDocument>' +
'</xml>' +
... and then use <apex:outputText>
with escape="false"
to insert it into the page. Normally you should avoid the use of escape="false" as it can be used in nasty ways for injection attacks, but this is a pretty valid use case since we're using a fixed string:
<!-- Page code -->
<apex:outputText value="{!WordPrintViewXML}" escape="false"/>
Attribution to: Matt Lacey
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