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Not able to select initial content For Salesforce Project from Salesforce IDE


I am trying to select only files that are important for the current Project, not all the content in my Dev org. When I create a Project in Eclipse, I am unable to select content as you can see in the screen shot below. How do I select only specific files?

new Project wizard

Attribution to: user133421

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

I know this is a late answer, but I've been having this issue over the past couple of days as well and found a solution so posting my answer here for anyone else.

Using Eclipe helios, kepler and luna with IDE v29 I had exactly the same problem (but on windows).

Turns out if I switched to the Java perspective in Eclipse, rather than perspective (in the top right corner), creating projects works absolutely fine.

Hope this is helpful for anyone else having this problem!

Attribution to: Jess

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

I had had same issue so, when blank screen shows you just need to maximize and then restore to the standard window size, thus all initial content is shown.

Hope that works your you.

Attribution to: Andres Cubillos

Possible Suggestion/Solution #3

From looking at your screen shot, I see something underneath about your embedded browser not being configured. Perhaps if you take care of that issue, you might have some success. Otherwise, you might want to continue with creating the project, then see if you're able to change the metadata in your project.

Often, these issues tend to be related to the configuration of your Eclipse installation; particularly to your Java JRE path. I'd suggest you look in Eclipse's Preferences under Java->Installed JRE's to see if it matches the path to where the Java JDK is installed at on your machine. Also look in your machine's path statements to see if there's a Java path statement listed there.

Attribution to: crmprogdev
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