This year at dreamforce I noticed a slightly altered salesforce layout, especially the salesforce header section. When you look at the keynotes, you can actually see the different header in the youtube videos (Youtube Video)
What I saw in this new layout was the possbility of having notifications (which is a long awaited feature in my opinion) I was wondering when this was going to be publicly available and more importantly, if we, developers, would be able to hook into those notifications, and possibly send our own.
Attribution to: pjcarly
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
That's a pretty astute observation! I didn't notice it at all, I'm assuming if it went unmentioned they were showing either a development version of the site or some extension they use internally?
More importantly: Did you hear anyone from Salesforce mention it in a session? Perhaps someone interal to SFDC development could give us the sneak preview?
Safe Harbor
Attribution to: jordan.baucke
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
Have a look at this page this page:
The new layout is advertised by Salesforce already! As far as I know the new toolbar will be available across all pages, but only contact records will be updated with the new page layouts at first. Rest will follow after.
Attribution to: Pierre Despatis-Dupont
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