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Need .stf example


Got stuck with importing translations of custom labels. I'm using translation workbench and its import file page. Base file for my import is one exported by Salesforce workbench with some edits. Already looked through various documentation articles regarding format but still couldn't find working solution.

Could anyone please provide an example of import .stf file?

Attribution to: Vasily Liaskovsky

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Double check you're using tabs and not spaces and that the file is really saved as UTF-8 (you can use Notepad++ for example to check & force it).

Eh, the StackExchange's editor converts tabs to spaces. Check out (raw data)

# Language: German
Language code: de
Type: Bilingual



ButtonOrLink.Event.New_Event    New Event   Neues Ereignis  -
ButtonOrLink.Opportunity.Add_Line_Items Add Line Items  Artikelanlage   -
# eyescream: skipped some
CustomLabel.PKB2_All_Fields_Required    All fields are required.    Alle Felder sind obligatorisch. -
CustomLabel.PKB2_Answers_Might_Help These answers might help immediately    Diese Antworten könnten vielleicht helfen   -
CustomLabel.PKB2_Back_To_Search_Page    Back to search page Zurück zur Suchseite    -
CustomLabel.PKB2_Cancel Cancel  Abbrechen   -
# eyescream: skipped some
CustomLabel.SC_Case_Information Case Information    Beschreibungsinformationen  -
CustomLabel.SC_New_Case New Case    Neuer Kundenvorgang -
CustomLabel.SC_New_Find_Contact New / Find Contact  Neuer Kontakt / Kontakt suchen  -
CustomLabel.SC_Save_New Save & New  Speichern & Neu -



ButtonOrLink.Order__c.Mass_edit Edit
ButtonOrLink.Order__c.Printable_view    Printable view!
ButtonOrLink.Order__c.Quick_Email   Quick Email

Not sure if you see it, I've "translated" one of last labels to "Printable view!" and imported whole file back to SF (I didn't zip anything, uploaded this one language directly):

enter image description here

So it ignores lines where the translation is blank or identical to your master language.

Attribution to: eyescream

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

Additions for eyescream' great answer:

At the file header, The Language code and Language Should be into YOUR LANGUAGE

I translated Chinese for example, I should use:

语言代码: zh_CN
类型: 来源

to make sure the sft file has proper file header that Salesforce can understand.

Attribution to: Lushang
This content is remixed from stackoverflow or stackexchange. Please visit

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