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Metadata API-based deploys hang in "queued status" since 30.11 (cs7 & cs8 sandbox)


Is anybody else experiencing this?

Several sandboxes in our Unlimited Edition seem to be having issues with deployments today (tested from Eclipse IDE and Migration Tool). The deploys just hang in the status "Queued" on the "Monitor Deployments" page and request eventually timeouts in Eclipse.

The org itself doesn't seem to be locked because I was able to modify my unit test manually in the GUI.

Production org is on eu1, sandboxes (both developer & full) are on cs7 and cs8. Nothing on & "known issues".

My "Monitor Deployments"

Attribution to: eyescream

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Yes, you're not the only one having problems. Seems several people are asking about it on twitter #askforce cs7. The general advise from salesforce seems to be to contact support.

I did, and was told a higher R&D team is already investigating the problem.

The status for cs7 has also been updated:

2:00 PM UTC: CS7 Performance Degradation The Technology Team is working to isolate a performance degradation issue affecting Dashboard and Report refreshes on the CS7 instance. A small subset of customers may experience delays when using these features.

Please check the status of frequently for updates regarding this issue.

But doesn't mention the metadata api (deploys/eclipse/..)

edit: We've received an update on the case, issues on CS7 instance should be resolved. The trust.salesforce status has also been updated:

Detail: The Technology Team has resolved the performance degradation issue affecting the MetaData API processes, including the Migration Toolkit on the CS7 instance. The problem began on November 30, 2012 at 12:45 UTC and was resolved by 18:00 UTC. During this time, a subset of customers may have experienced delays or errors while using these features. Thank you for your continued business and patience during this situation.

Root Cause: The problem was caused by a long running background database process which blocked access to specific database resources. This process was stopped and the requests dependent on these resources were able to resume normal processing.

Actions to Prevent Future Incidents: The Technology Team - - Has disabled the background process while we investigate its behavior - Is investigating improvements to better manage resource utilization and prevent future occurrences from causing customer impact

Attribution to: Samuel De Rycke
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