I'm trying to change the log levels in the Developer Console to display the transaction Limits , but I noticed that the window now displays +30 Settings, so I have no idea which one I should update. I have a feeling this is some kind of bug, because I remember only having one General line before.
What do you think? Any idea how to fix that?
Attribution to: jpmonette
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
This is related to the TraceFlag
records that can be accessed via the Tooling API.
When I create TraceFlag entries for a Salesforce User Id with a specific ExpirationDate the older records are still persisted. Each of these older records shows up as a Trace Setting for the user.
Before (Multiple Log Levels displaying for User General Trace Settings):
During TraceFlag creation:
Note that I have 171 existing TraceFlag records that are going to be deleted.
After: Additional Trace flags have been removed. One of these is the one I created. I think the other is the one for the developer console log monitoring.
Attribution to: Daniel Ballinger
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