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Javascript / Visualforce Integration


I'm having some problems with some javascript / visualforce integration.

What i'd like to do is when the user clicks a button do some javscript error checking calling and if it fails, display a pop up and stay on the page without refreshing (i.e. i don't want to lose the client side stuff). I have the error checking working,and i prevent the page from submiting. i'm not sure if i did it right- i'm adding an action to the command button and adding an onSubmit method to the form.

If it passes- generate a string from that check method and pass it to the apex controller. I'm stuck on this too.

<apex:page extensions="customizationExtension" standardController="Customization__c" standardcontroller="Customization__c"><apex:messages />

    function check(){
     var flag = false;
    var successCodes = "start";
    // do a bunch of error checking.

    if (flag=== true){
        alert("Please make a selection for each field");
        return false;

    // <---------------------        Send the success Codes to controller??
      return true; 

    <apex:form onsubmit="check()">
        <apex:pageblock mode="maindetail" title="{!$ObjectType.Customization__c.label} Detail">
         <apex:pageBlockButtons >
            <apex:commandButton action="{!mySave}" value="Generate" onclick="return check();" />   



    public pagereference mySave(){

        PageReference p = new PageReference('/001');
        return p;

Attribution to: PartOfTheOhana

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

This is the Ideal Case for using ActionFunction

Create an action function and call that via JavaScript


function check(){
 var flag = false;
var successCodes = "start";
// do a bunch of error checking.

if (flag=== true){
    alert("Please make a selection for each field");
    return false;

// <---------------------        Send the success Codes to controller??
  callsave();//Call Action Function SFDC



<apex:form onsubmit="check()">
    <apex:pageblock mode="maindetail" title="{!$ObjectType.Customization__c.label} Detail">
     <apex:pageBlockButtons >
        <apex:commandButton action="{!mySave}" value="Generate" onclick="return=check();" />   
 <!-- Define the JavaScript function sayHello-->
    <apex:actionFunction name="callsave" action="{!mySave}" />


Attribution to: Mohith Shrivastava
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