<apex:commandLink value="ADD" onclick="return divToggle('{!oplist.lineNumber}');"/>
I want to apply if else condition ,if UnitPrice is not null then View commandlink should show otherwise Add should show..
Attribution to: Mik
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
If I follow you right you need to display a command link when unitprice is not null. If thats the case try
<apex:page standardController="account">
<apex:form >
<apex:commandLink value="ADD" rendered="{!NOT(ISNULL(account.name))}"/>
<apex:commandLink value="View command link" rendered="{!(ISNULL(account.name))}"/>
replace the account.name with your unitprice
rendered attribute allows you to control the visibility conditionally on a command link
Attribution to: Rao
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