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How to test a class having only variable definitions?


I have a class that only contains the definition of final strings. As everything is static and there are no methods, how can I test this code ?

public static myErrorClass{
    public static final String ERROR_NO_FILE_SELECTED = system.label.NTProject_NoImportXMLFilesSelected; 
    public static final String ERROR_EMPTY_XML = system.label.NTProject_TheProjectCannotBeNull;   
    public static final String ERROR_INVALID_XML = system.label.NTProject_ImportFailed;    
    public static final String ERROR_FILESIZE_TOO_LARGE = system.label.NTProject_TheXMLFileIsTooLarge;    

Attribution to: user8254

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Actually, I believe that salesforce is clever enough to know that this class doesn't require test code and it's not included in the code coverage calculation. This may however not show, and I have no official reference of this.

If you want to be absurdly thorough, you can do:


Besides code coverage you should also consider the functional aspects and to what extend that should be tested.

Attribution to: Samuel De Rycke
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