Attached is a small schema of 3 objects in my org
- Opportunity
- custom object: license
- Junction object: opportunity and license
While I have the oppty id, I need to get ALL licenses that are related to it, and for each of them, trying get a certain custom field: dongle_id__c
Following single queries work: Get ID's of licenses that are related to oppty (in the nested sql):
(Select OfLicense__c FROM Opportunities_and_Licenses__r)
FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = '006M00000086xpw'
The first nested query : Select OfLicense__c FROM Opportunities_and_Licenses__r
gives me the licenses ID's, and for each, I want to grab the Dongle_id__c value
Tried several variations neither work:
The following SQL - returns me the needed data:
select dongle_id__c from OptiTex_License__c where id in (Select OfLicense__c FROM Opportunity_and_License__c WHERE ofopportunity__c ='006M00000086xpw')
But trying to insert that, as the nested SQL returns me a relationship error on the OptiTex_License__c
(select dongle_id__c from OptiTex_License__c where id in (Select OfLicense__c FROM Opportunity_and_License__c WHERE ofopportunity__c ='006M00000086xpw'))
FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = '006M00000086xpw'
Also tried to remove the inner/nested: WHERE clause:
SELECT Id, (select dongle_id__c from OptiTex_License__c where id in (Select OfLicense__c FROM Opportunity_and_License__c)) FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = '006M00000086xpw'
I tried to remove the "Where id in...." and change the Opportunity_and_License__c
to it's relationship name
(select dongle_id__c from Opportunities_and_Licenses__r)
That gives me error the Dongle_id__c is "No Such column" on the junction object - correct - it's on the related one.
Attribution to: Saariko
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Unfortunately (or not?) it is only one level that can be cpecified in the query:
In each specified relationship, only one level of parent-to-child relationship can be specified in a query. For example, if the FROM clause specifies Account, the SELECT clause can only specify the Contact or other objects at that level. It could not specify a child object of Contact.
Relationship Queries: Understanding Relationship Query Limitations.
When you try to execute such query like
Select Id, (Select Id, (Select Status From Tasks) From Cases) From Account
you will get the error:
Attribution to: Sergej Utko
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
With these association objects it usually works best to query the association object. You can then go up the parent relationships one or more levels (up to 5):
Set<Id> dongleIds = new Set<Id>();
for (Opportunities_and_Licenses__c ol : [
select OfLicense__r.Dongle_id__c
from Opportunities_and_Licenses__c
where OfOpportunity__r.Id = '006M00000086xpw'
and OfLicense__r.Dongle_id__c != null
]) {
PS Just saw mast0r's comment - it is the same as that.
Attribution to: Keith C
Possible Suggestion/Solution #3
Given that a single junction object points to a single license, then you should be able to follow that relationship in the sub query, e.g.
(Select OfLicense__r.dongle_id__c FROM Opportunities_and_Licenses__r)
FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = '006M00000086xpw'
Attribution to: superfell
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