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How to Report a Salesforce Issue


While creating report in Salesforce, we can add the date filter to filter the records.

enter image description here

This is allowing from date as today and to date as past date. The Salesforce should throw validation error in this case.

I would like to add this in Salesforce known issues in the link

Anyone please help me how to add this to salesforce issues.

Attribution to: Priyanka

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

If you click on 'Learn More' top left of the Issues page it will take you to the Issues FAQ.

What Can I do If I Do Not See My Issue Here? How Can I Report a New Issue?

Contact Salesforce Support if you have questions about an Issue affecting your Organization which is not listed here.

Attribution to: Jon Hazan

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

How to create a Support Ticket in Salesforce?

  1. Go to Contact Salesforce Support if you have questions about an Issue affecting your Organization which is not listed here.

  2. Login using the appropriate login details.

  3. In the Right header click on the Profile picture and choose My Cases.
  4. Now you will see a Case Management page, In the Left Sidebar choose 'Create a Case'.
  5. In the Help Finder Page click on appropriate Topic. Then choose the Category.
  6. Now check whether your question in present in the Question section. If not, Create a new Case by scrolling the page below and clicking on 'Log a New Case.' button.
  7. After you will receive the response from the team based on your support question.

Attribution to: David Rajah
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