I'm creating a visualforce page with standard features like chatter and I'm also adding a list of cases on that page which points to a case view. I want the entityid for "chatter:feedWithFollowers" to get the id of the user that is logged in. Is that possible? If so, how would I go about doing that? Thanks!
<chatter:feedWithFollowers entityId="{IDHERE}"/>
<apex:enhancedlist type="Case" height="730" customizable="false" rowsPerPage="25" Listid="00BQ00000023TG7" />
Attribution to: user988
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Use the Global Variable $User.Id
<chatter:feedWithFollowers entityId="{!$User.Id}"/>
If you want to replicate the Chatter 'News Feed' that a user gets in their Chatter stream, which includes User news items as well as updates on records that the User is following, you probably want to use the <chatter:newsFeed/>
component instead.
Attribution to: zachelrath
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