I am using rest api's to get salesforce data in my ios application. I am getting events details once, after that how can I get the events details which are newly added to system or modified. Basically how Can i implement delta sync with salesforce based on timestamp or what ever.
Please any one let me know how to succeed in this.
Attribution to: Karthik Mitta
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Just grab the most recent modifiedDate
from your current list of events, then issue a new query where modifieddate > :myLastModDate
Keep in mind you need to format your DateTime as an ISO 8601 string, e.g. 2011-02-25T18:24:31.000Z
Attribution to: Jonathan Hersh
This content is remixed from stackoverflow or stackexchange. Please visit https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/31534