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How to get end date for Current Fiscal Quarter in apex


wanted to get end date for Current Fiscal Quarter in apex any ideas, how to get this information.

Attribution to: Prafulla Patil

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

//for standard calendar year

Date dt = date.newInstance(1014,12, 17);
Integer currentMnt =dt.month();
Integer currentQ =((currentMnt-1)/3) + 1;
Date endOfQDate = date.newInstance(dt.year(),currentMnt + (4 - (currentMnt - ((currentQ -1)*3))) , 1).addDays(-1);

Attribution to: user7076

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

I use the below to determine the start month in a quarter.

Date d =; // works for any date
Integer quarterStartMonth = (((Math.ceil((Decimal.valueOf(d.month()) / 12) * 4))*3) - 2).intValue();
Date quarterStart = Date.newInstance(d.year(), quarterStartMonth, 1);

Attribution to: OnyxSoul

Possible Suggestion/Solution #3

Try the following, I just wrote it and tested for our fiscal year, worked ok...

Integer FiscalYearStartMonth = [select FiscalYearStartMonth from Organization where id=:Userinfo.getOrganizationId()].FiscalYearStartMonth;

Date fiscalYearStartDate;
Integer quarter;

if( >= FiscalYearStartMonth)
    fiscalYearStartDate = date.newinstance(, FiscalYearStartMonth, 1);
    quarter = (( - FiscalYearStartMonth) / 3) + 1;
    fiscalYearStartDate = date.newinstance( - 1, FiscalYearStartMonth, 1);
    quarter = ((12 + - FiscalYearStartMonth) / 3) + 1;

Integer addMonths = quarter * 3;

Date lastDateOfThisQuarter = fiscalYearStartDate;

// this is the last date of the current quarter
lastDateOfThisQuarter = lastDateOfThisQuarter.addMonths(addMonths).addDays(-1);

Attribution to: Boris Bachovski

Possible Suggestion/Solution #4

Here is the simplest way I getting date I believe - We just need to query Period Object record and thats it. I think most of us are not aware of this Object in

Date closeDate = [Select EndDate From Period Where type = 'Quarter' and StartDate = THIS_FISCAL_QUARTER].EndDate;

Attribution to: Prafulla Patil
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