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How to get DataType in Apex


I am using utility class methods which are called in test class to populate all fields of say XYZ object.But i have a field in XYZ object which is formula field. As it is read only i would not want to populate it since it gives me an exception for populating read only field. I tried using below method for DescribeFieldResult object,

public Schema.DisplayType getType()

Though above works if there is no formula field but doesnt work in my case as it depends on the return type(Formula field may have any type Text/Date/Currency). I am a newbie. Hope i will get a better guidance on this. Thanks in advance.

Attribution to: snehakem

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

You may want something like below:

Map<String, Schema.SObjectType>     globalDescribe          = Schema.getGlobalDescribe(); 
Schema.SObjectType                  objectType              = globalDescribe.get(YOUR_OBJECT_NAME);
Schema.DescribeSObjectResult        objectDescribeResult    = objectType.getDescribe();

Map<String, Schema.SObjectField>    objectFieldMap          = objectDescribeResult.fields.getMap();
Schema.SObjectField                 objectField             = objectFieldMap.get(YOUR_FIELD_NAME);
Schema.DescribeFieldResult          fieldDescription        = objectField.getDescribe();

//Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldDescription = YOUR_OBJECT_NAME.YOUR_FIELD_NAME.getDescribe();   

      // yourObject - this is an instance of YOUR_OBJECT_NAME
      yourObject.YOUR_FIELD_NAME = 123;
    // do nothing - its a formula field

The important part is the DescribeFieldResult object From the docs… IsCalculated - Returns true if the field is a custom formula field, false otherwise. Note that custom formula fields are always read-only.

Schema.DescribeFieldResult Docs Link

Attribution to: Stuart McVicar
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