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How do we identify if an opportunity or Lead has a pending or overdue task


I need to know if an opportunity or Lead has any pending or Overdue tasks?

I can search for opportunity or Lead in WhatId of task and get all the records for this ID. How do i know if a task is overdue or pending? Which field should i refer on task to identify this


Attribution to: Prady

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Are you trying to query these records using soql? if so the query would be something like

List<Task> leadOverdueTasks = [SELECT Id, ActivityDate FROM Task WHERE WhatId IN :leadIds AND ActivityDate <=];

The important thing being you are searching for a Due Date (api name for due date is ActivityDate) before or on today.


Logic for pending tasks: WHERE IsClosed = false AND currentdate <= ActivityDate

Logic for overdue tasks: WHERE IsClosed = false AND currentdate > ActivityDate

Attribution to: Daniel Blackhall
This content is remixed from stackoverflow or stackexchange. Please visit

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