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How to define self relationship in salesforce


I am newbie to salesforce.Can some one explain how can i create self relationship in salesforce. I know salesforce doesn't provide out of the box this relationship.

My Scenario is i have a Company object. Every company should have a parent company which can be any other company. If parent is not defined then current company automatically become the parent of itself.

Can anyone explain how can i achive this.


Attribution to: Pramod Kumar

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

You can create a lookup relationship in Company object to itself.

To populate the value of the company name to itself(if the parent is not defined), you can write a trigger to populate the value as Salesforce does not have default value option for lookup field

Attribution to: Priyanka

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

You could use account hierarchies (not sure what SF version you have).

Than use a field update rule, and/or default value on parent account to set it to the account it self.

Or better - an afterupdate trigger that checks the parent account.

Attribution to: Saariko
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