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How can you use a public group in a conga composer's button URL field? (Like a merge field)


I'm using conga composer with conga workflow.

And I'm trying to send an email using the conga parameter &EmailAdditionalTo=""

Is it possible to address the email to a public group I have in salesforce? Is it possible to use it like a merge field?

Thank you.

Attribution to: Prabhat

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

The &EmailAdditionalTo parameter requires a value of either A) a single email address or B) multiple email addresses separated by commas. Your requirement can be accomplished by using a SOQL Query (available to be used with Conga Composer by using a free add-on) to query Group Member email addresses. You'd then use the &QVar parameter to reference your query in your button URL, format the query string result using &QVar0Format, and pass the result to the &EmailAdditionalTo parameter.

Your eventual SOQL query might look something like this:

SELECT Email FROM User WHERE Id IN (SELECT UserOrGroupId FROM GroupMember WHERE Group.Name = '{pv0}')

In this case, the dynamic value for '{pv0}' would be a Group Name that you could pass in your Composer button URL. The parameters in your corresponding button URL would look like so:




I got this to work just fine in a Dev org. Hope this helps!

Attribution to: Robert Boyd
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