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Get Domain from Apex


I'm looking for a way to get the registered domain from Apex. At the moment I just want to check if there is a domain or not.

This is the domain you register once, when trying to create a public site.

I know you can find the subdomain for a site by querying the field subdomain in the object Site, however, it is possible that a domain is registered but a Site wasn't created. How can I figure out the domain in that scenario?

enter image description here

Attribution to: pjcarly

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

This currently isn't exposed in Apex.

Attribution to: Ryan Guest

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

You might be able to do it by using the getHeaders() method on PageReference class. I've not tested this, but thats where I'd start.

Expose a stupid simple (empty) visualforce page publically, and create a page reference to it. The getURL() method will return the relative url, but hte headers will likely have the full url.

Let me know if it works.

Attribution to: Kevin P
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