I was trying to implement the urlrewriter as mentioned in the below url
want to know how this generateURLfor method will be invoked?
I have a mentioned a List<PageReference> as a parameter to this, I dont see this function called anywhere in debug logs for any of my sites user or site guest user.
Not sure how this piece is invoked and am getting a too many script statements error. Not sure why?
But if I remove this URLRewriter part, am not getting that error.
Can someone help here please ? I have posted my code below.
String FRIENDLY_GROUPS_PAGE = '/groups/';
Map<Id, Group__c> mapgroups;
String GROUPDETAILS_VISUALFORCE_PAGE = '/GroupDetails?groupid=';
global List<PageReference> generateUrlFor(List<PageReference> mySalesforceUrls)
system.debug('inside generateurlfor');
//A list of pages to return after all the links
//have been evaluated
if (mySalesforceUrls.size() > 0 && mySalesforceUrls.get(0).getUrl().startsWith(GROUPDETAILS_VISUALFORCE_PAGE) && !mySalesforceUrls.get(0).getUrl().contains('&'))
List<PageReference> myFriendlyUrls = new List<PageReference>();
//a list of all the ids in the urls
List<id> grpIds = new List<id>();
// loop through all the urls once, finding all the valid ids
for(PageReference mySalesforceUrl : mySalesforceUrls)
//Get the URL of the page
String url = mySalesforceUrl.getUrl();
if(url.startsWith(GROUPDETAILS_VISUALFORCE_PAGE) && !url.contains('&'))
//Extract the ID from the query parameter
//and store in a list
//for querying later in bulk.
string id= url.substring(GROUPDETAILS_VISUALFORCE_PAGE.length(),url.length());
// Get all the group names in bulk
List<Group__c> groups = [SELECT Name FROM Group__c WHERE Id IN :grpIds];
// make the new urls
Integer counter = 0;
// it is important to go through all the urls again, so that the order
// of the urls in the list is maintained.
if (mySalesforceUrls != null)
system.debug(LOGGINGLEVEL.WARN,'count of mySalesforceUrls : ' + mySalesforceUrls.size());
for(PageReference mySalesforceUrl : mySalesforceUrls)
//Get the URL of the page
String url = mySalesforceUrl.getUrl();
if(url.startsWith(GROUPDETAILS_VISUALFORCE_PAGE) && !url.contains('&') )
myFriendlyUrls.add(new PageReference(FRIENDLY_GROUPS_PAGE + groups.get(counter).name));
//If this doesn't start like a groups page,
//don't do any transformations
//Return the full list of pages
return myFriendlyUrls;
return mySalesforceUrls;
** edited and added the following ******* now the issue is even worser.. I have commented out everything inside these methods and just said return null. despite doing that its throwing too many script statements error..
But strange thing is that, if I remove this URLRewriter class configuration from my sites config, its not throwing any error and its working fine :(
Attribution to: Sathya
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Finally I found the answer guys..
I dont need to use generateURLfor at all.. this method is for reverse mapping from id to friendly url.
I had used $currentpage.parameters.paramname in my visualforce page in the rendered attribute of an apex:column inside an apex:datatable and the list that was bound to the datatable had a lot of records and due to that urlrewriter was getting called everytime and i hit the script statement limits. I removed that $currentpage.. and replaced it with a property from my controller and everything worked fine...
Attribution to: Sathya
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
Are you exposing this page on a Force.com Site ?
The implementation pattern requires for your URL Rewriter to implement the Interface Site.UrlRewriter
My understanding of it is its use in serving up Visualforce Pages on a Force.com site
So you could map a friendly URL name and use your URL Rewriter to translate it into a concrete Salesforce URL.
"To rewrite URLs for links on your site's pages, use the !URLFOR function with the $Page merge variable."
So it provides a sort of a phone book for you to resolve user friendly URL's into actual Salesforce URL's
Salesforce invokes the method internally when a Page Request is made to resolve the friendly URL to the actual URL. It does not need to be explicitly invoked.
Attribution to: techtrekker
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