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Duplicating a Data Extension using ExactTarget SOAP API


I am trying to figure out how to duplicate an existing Data Extension. That is, for a defined Data Extension, I want to duplicate it, along with the columns and the data in it.

Here's what I think I need to do. For a given Data Extension, we:

  1. Retrieve fields in the Data Extension using DataExtensionField object
  2. Use DataExtensionFieldType object to get the field type (Text, Number, Boolean, etc) of each field returned from step 1
  3. Retieve records from Data Extension in step 1 using DataExtensionObject object
  4. Create new Data Extension using DataExtensionFromAPI setting the columns and field types from steps 1 and 2
  5. Add data from step 3 to new DataExtensionObject

Can someone confirm if this is actually correct? From following the documentation, the issue with this proposed approach is that there does not seem to be a method to retrieve Data Extension field types. According to the documentation, there are no methods supported for the DataExtensionFieldType Object.

I'm at a bit of a loss here how to approach this seemingly straightforward task...

Attribution to: Eliot Harper

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Super close -

Step 1 will retrieve the fields and field types togethers like this:

 <Envelope xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
      <ns1:fueloauth xmlns:ns1="">xxxxxxxxxxxxxx</ns1:fueloauth>
   <RetrieveRequestMsg xmlns="">
         <Filter xsi:type="SimpleFilterPart">

The rest of your steps look correct.

Attribution to: Kelly J Andrews
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