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Display Related List as pdf


I have a custom object called Credits that is related to Contacts via lookup relationsihp.

I added a button in the Contact page that displays a pdf of the credits for that specific contact.

I know the apex to display a page as pdf but unsure how I can display Credits only for that contact? Do I need a controller? How do I pass the value of the contact ID to the page?

<apex:page standardController="Credits__c" showHeader="false" renderAs="pdf"> 
<apex:pageBlock title="Credits">
<td width="15%"><apex:outputLabel value="Course Number: " for="coursenumber" /></td>
<td width="35%"><apex:outputField id="coursenumber" value="    {!RITT_Credits__c.Course_Number__c}"/></td>

Attribution to: jen

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

The standard controller (the one you have now) should work fine for your purposes here. You'd pass the contact ID to the page like this:

There's a number of ways you could display just the Credits, but apex:relatedList might be the simplest. Apex:pageBlockTable is another possibility. For more control over the appearance, use apex:datatable.

Attribution to: Jagular
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