On our Accounts, we have a related list to test scores (custom object) that "expire" after five years. I am trying to use a roll-up summary to display the best test score within the past 5 years.
Solutions tried:
- Use a criteria of
Date Taken equals Last 5 Years
andDate Taken equals Last 1827 Days
, similar to what is possible on reports, but the criteria fields do not accept relative dates like that. - Create an "Is Within Last 5 Years" formula field on the custom object, but the field was not available for filtering. Some searching led me to this idea, which asks for filtering roll-up summaries based on formulas.
Is there anyway to only show the MAX test score within the past five years?
Attribution to: Mike Chale
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
how about an aggregate Query?
rs = [select id,MAX(score__c) score from <Student Tests> where student__c = :studentId GROUP BY ID]
Decimal score = (Decimal) rs.get('score');
ID testId = (ID) rs.get('Id');
Attribution to: ebt
Possible Suggestion/Solution #2
How about a checkbox on the Test Score object called Last 5 years
, checked by default. Use a Time-dependent workflow to uncheck that box 5 years after Date Taken. Then your Rollup Summary will be based on Last 5 Years= TRUE
Attribution to: Jeremy Nottingham
This content is remixed from stackoverflow or stackexchange. Please visit https://salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/1135