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Creating a salesforce report to identify sales reps that dont have any revenue in last 90 days


I am trying to create a report which would let me identify the sales reps who have not had any revenue in last 90 days. I am applying date filter of "Last 90 Days", and then a filter for revenue = 0, but this filters all the reps who might not have had revenue even in one of the 3 months where as I want revenue to be 0 in all 3 months. Can some one please help me with this? Thanks in advance.

Attribution to: Robin

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Define "revenue". Are you talking about Opportunity owners? Or maybe you're using team selling and opportunity splits? Forecasts? Some completely custom object (seems like you have something unique per rep per month)?

Here's a rough idea, you'll have to adjust it to fit your scenario.

  1. Create a report on Users (not Opportunities with Owner or something, just Users).
  2. In the Filter: Add menu select cross filter.

enter image description here

If you're more familiar with SOQL syntax it would be something more or less like that:

    FROM Opportunity 
    WHERE Amount > 0 AND CreatedDate = LAST_N_DAYS:90)

Attribution to: eyescream
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