I was looking through the Metadata API (and Partner) but can't find anywhere described how I can define via the API a custom object.
We have specific datasets which have to translate into Custom Objects in Salesforce via the API.
For instance a Home Repair dataset would include: Address, Estimate and Repair Date fields. I want to translate this dataset into a Custom Object (named HomeRepair__c with those 3 custom fields) in Salesforce in our client's account via an API call.
Is this even possible?
Attribution to: Alexandru Luchian
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Sure, you can use the Metadata API. You want the create() call. Here's the sample xml to define the custom object from the documentation:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CustomObject xmlns="http://soap.sforce.com/2006/04/metadata">
<description>just a test object with one field for eclipse ide testing</description>
<description>add your comments about this object here</description>
<inlineHelpText>This field contains comments made about this object</inlineHelpText>
<label>MyFirstObject Name</label>
Attribution to: Daniel Hoechst
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