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Configuring Approval page layout for user-selectable rejection reason


can we add a pick-list field to the Approval pagelayout ??

My requirement is i want Approvers to enter Reason for rejecting a record.

I have a picklist field on my object with the rejection reasons , i want this field to be placed on the approval page layout so that Approvers select reason from this pick-list.

Thanks in Advance.

Attribution to: Keepcalmncode

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

You can edit the approval page layout once you have created your approval process. When viewing the approval process detail, click on the Edit button, and then the Approval Page Layout option from the menu:

Menu for the edit button

That will take you through to a screen with a multi-select picklist of the fields on the page, and you should be able to choose your picklist field there:

Approval process detail page layout field selection

Attribution to: Matt Lacey

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

I could add the required field Rejection Reason, but I am unable to get the pick-list value. enter image description here

Attribution to: DominicSeb
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