As a part of my first trigger, which is running on Opportunities, I have a list I created that contains the result of a SOQL query. Here is the code.
List<Custom_Object__c> mylist = [SELECT Id, Custom_Field_1__c FROM Custom_Object__c WHERE Custom_Field_2 = 'Value' AND Custom_Field__c > 0];
I have a custom field on Opportunities and I want to see if it's value matches a value of Custom_Field_1__c from this list. I've spent a fair amount of time looking around but am still stumped. How do I do this?
Attribution to: dannymorty
Possible Suggestion/Solution #1
Instead of using a list you could put the values of Custom_Field_1__c into a set.
then when you do a compare you can use a method called contains.
set<string> myset = new set<string>();
For(Custom_Object__c m :mylist){
for (Opportunity o: {
myset.contains(o.Fieldvalue__c); //returns true/false
Attribution to: Salesforce Wizard
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