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Change the Checkbox field update for multiple request


I am getting multiple request from other system, i am updating in the field Update__c with value when value is true at that time check-box is checking, suppose if i get multiple request only for 1st request the check box is checking remain all cases not

How can i change this for bulk update **quotes[0].Sys_checkchild__c =true; // How can chage for this bulk updates. it checking for only 1 record.**

  trigger targerquaote on Quote_Item__c (after insert,after update) {
 public boolean checkallchildrecs;
 set<id>idset=new set<id>();
 set<id>quoteidset=new set<id>();

  list<Quote_Item__c>qit1=[select id,name,Quote__c  from Quote_Item__c where Quote__c IN:quoteidset];
  list<Quote_Item__c>qit2=[select id,name,Quote__c  from Quote_Item__c where Quote__c IN:quoteidset AND (Updated__c = 'true' OR Updated__c = 'sss')];
  list<Quote_Item__c>qit3=[select id,name,Quote__c  from Quote_Item__c where Quote__c IN:quoteidset AND Updated__c = 'false' ];
 List<Quote__c>  quotes=[select id, name,Sys_checkchild__c from Quote__c   where Id IN:quoteidset];
 if (quotes.size() > 0) {
 integer wholerecords=qit1.size();
integer specificrecords=qit2.size();
for (Quote__c quote : quotes) {
**quotes[0].Sys_checkchild__c =true; // How can chage for this bulk updates. it checking for only 1 record.**
 update quotes;

}else if(qit3.size()>0){

quotes[0].Sys_checkchild__c =false;
quotes[0].Updated__c = 'false';
update quotes;


Attribution to: Sathya

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

The code below is a version of your trigger with the special case of index 0 removed which I think is what you are asking for:

trigger targerquaote on Quote_Item__c (after insert,after update) {

     set<id>quoteidset=new set<id>();
     list<Quote_Item__c>qit1=[select id,name,Quote__c  from Quote_Item__c where Quote__c IN:quoteidset];
     list<Quote_Item__c>qit2=[select id,name,Quote__c  from Quote_Item__c where Quote__c IN:quoteidset AND (Updated__c = 'true' OR Updated__c = 'sss')];
     list<Quote_Item__c>qit3=[select id,name,Quote__c  from Quote_Item__c where Quote__c IN:quoteidset AND Updated__c = 'false' ];

     List<Quote__c> quotes=[select id, name,Sys_checkchild__c from Quote__c where Id IN:quoteidset];
     if (quotes.size() > 0) {
         integer wholerecords=qit1.size();
         integer specificrecords=qit2.size();
         for (Quote__c quote : quotes) {
                 quote.Sys_checkchild__c = true;
             }else if(qit3.size()>0){
                 quote.Sys_checkchild__c =false;
                 quote.Updated__c = 'false';
         update quotes;

Note that instead of performing (time and governor limit) expensive queries to get the counts (such as wholerecords) you could just loop over the collection and add up the totals like this:

trigger targerquaote on Quote_Item__c (after insert, after update) {

     Set<Id> quoteidset = new Set<Id>();
     Integer wholerecords =;
     Integer specificrecords = 0;
     Integer falserecords = 0;
     for (Quote_Item__c qi : {
         if (qi.Updated__c == 'true' || qi.Updated__c == 'sss') {
         if (qi.Updated__c == 'false') {

     List<Quote__c> quotes = [select Id from Quote__c where Id IN :quoteidset];
     for (Quote__c quote : quotes) {
         if (wholerecords == specificrecords) {
             quote.Sys_checkchild__c = true;
         } else if (falserecords > 0) {
             quote.Sys_checkchild__c = false;
             quote.Updated__c = 'false';
     update quotes;

Attribution to: Keith C
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