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Can't see my "Triggered Send" Data Extension when creating a Triggered Send


I am trying to create a Triggered Send in the GUI. But under Subscriber Management >> "Triggered Send" Data Extensions the Data Extension I created does not appear in the list.

I'm mimicking a TriggeredSend/Data Extension setup that already exists. I precisely duplicated existing DE's that already exist and DO appear in the list -even so what I create does not appear.

Any insight is appreciated.

Attribution to: Jason

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

Create Triggered Send Data Extension

For this Marketing Cloud Connect tutorial example, create a dynamic triggered send for new and closed cases using the same email content and triggered send definition.

One triggered send definition and one email can generate two different emails based on the case status.

  1. In Marketing Cloud, navigate to Email Studio.
  2. Under Subscribers, click Data Extensions.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Select Standard Data Extension (Default).
  5. Click OK.
  6. Select Create from Template.
  7. Select TriggeredSendDataExtension.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Rename the new data extension. For example, Case Closed Send Email.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Select Data Retention Policies or accept the default as Off.
  12. Click Next.
  13. Add two new text fields named SObject and RecordId with Nullable selected for each.
  14. Set Data Type as Text.
  15. Set Length as 50.
  16. Set Nullable as Selected.
  17. Under Send Relationship, select Subscriberkey relates to Subscribers on Subscriber Key.
  18. Click Create.

Attribution to: Allen Zhang

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

I believe we experienced a similar issue that was identified by ExactTarget as a "bug". I would create a Triggered Send Data Extension via the template but they wouldn't show up in the list of data extensions within the Triggered Send interaction. This has since been resolved on our account - so I'm assuming it has been on yours too.

Attribution to: Amanda
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