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Cannot edit Deployment Connections when given rights through a Permission Set


The default System Administrator profile does not allow for creation of Change Sets and Deployment Connections. At one time we set up a clone of System Adminstrator with the following permissions ticked on

  • Create & Upload Change Sets
  • Deploy Change Sets

This works to overcome an odd oversight in the System Administrator profile. But we wanted something a little more modular so we created a Permission Set with the same permissions ticked on and assigned it to our System Admins. The problem we see now is that they can read but not edit Deployment Connections.

I dumped the Profile objects from the org (via DataLoader)and compared the base System Admin profile with the modified profile that allows editing of Deployment Connections. The only differences were expected


Did the same thing with the Permission Sets and found that the exact same changes. But it doesn't work. Is it possible that there is something else I need to set up in the Permission Set to allow editing of the Deployment Connection?

Attribution to: Chet Seidel

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

The issue with permission sets not allowing this behavior is definitely a defect. I have filed a bug accordingly and requested that it be fixed for the Spring '13 release. However, it's not entirely up to me when it's fixed. If it's important to you, I suggest you file a case and reference bug 1504836 in your case.

Attribution to: Doug Bitting

Possible Suggestion/Solution #2

It could be that this is another Just The Way It (Doesn't) Work situation. A colleague tipped me off to this developerforce board post that describes the same problem (deep in the thread) and alleges Summer '12 was the start of this misbehavior.

Attribution to: Chet Seidel
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