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Can we list a J2ee web application in AppExchange?


I am trying to list my web application in AppExchange platform. I tried reading through salesforce and app exchange sites but could not dig deeper into the answer.

If I can list my web application the following are my questions:-

Can I use MySql database? If not what are the databases supported? Or will I have to develop the whole web app from scratch using Apex?

Will I have to change my payment gateway to suit Salesforce needs? If it's possible what will the testing approach be (tools that can be used for testing)?

What would be the steps for implementing the same.

Any clarifications and suggestions are most welcome.

Attribution to: Nagarajan S R

Possible Suggestion/Solution #1

You can definitely list applications that integrate with Salesforce as opposed to being directly hosted on the platform. That said, you'll still be subject to the security review process to ensure that you won't be causing any security concerns with client's data etc.

It sounds like you might have a good candidate app for the Canvas.

With regards to your payment portal you really haven't provided enough information to comment but that seems like a very open ended question that doesn't really fit this site too well anyway. The developer discussion boards could be a good place to discuss that.

Attribution to: Matt Lacey
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